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Sunday 10 May 2015

The eternal bond...

The eternal bond

The empty space,
The barren room
The frosty window
Was seeking
Amidst the chaos of everything
Pleasures, luxuries, fleeting delights
The solitary mind, the desolate eyes, the bereaved heart
Longing for a touch
The infinite touch of an absolute energy
Consciousness of being alive, being born, being awake
The eternal flow of life
Gushing   from that source

“Ma” she still existed within me, breathed eternally, perpetually, forever....


  1. Lovely work :) A mother is forever :)

  2. Beautiful poem on a special day!

  3. My heartful congrats to ronita. On studying each and every word in this poem, my heart melted and turned out into a child. wonderful usage of words and description of mother's presence and relationship between a mother and a child is really outstanding. Hats off ronita.

  4. A poignant poem full of emotions irreplaceable! lovely!


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