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Tuesday 24 February 2015

Come oh Passion

"Come oh Passion"

This Post is written for

#1000Speak for Compassion 

#1000 Speak for Compassion

As human beings we all must have found this emotion or mental state on and off in our inherent state.  But observing it, perceiving it and then acting on those sparks in  our daily life is the real task.
 In the hustle bustle of life, the passion for doing something for others takes a back seat,  not because the whole idea of this very mental state had ceased to exist but because there are  other things  which  drapes us knowingly, unknowingly,we scuffle with guilt but then somehow again drift away back in our own maze and then one fine day we wake up  saying “Hey what am I doing with my  life?” 

The inner voice must have striked or banged our heart at least  for once, its natural, it’s so human and then again the rat race, the mundane, the banal things of life.
I personally have felt the urge many a times but not always have found myself gathering all the effort to act in the right way, may be lack of initiative, may be my very reluctant attitude or may be the importance  of the virtue has been clogged down to mere written form, an essay topic or may be it has been evident once in a while in small acts..... the last time when I was  generous to that old man limping across my car with his mangled arms, undoubtedly my compassion got that instant plug and may be my  whole being started frantically seeking for those coins scattered here and there in my purse, well could be an extra effort for  my hands just to feel  happy, that I too have that “virtue” in me.... may be staggering, may be dormant, may be smouldering but  I felt it again peeping, squinting at me. I felt happy for me, for him, for my  act or for at least getting a glimpse that it still exists " compassion "

Yes, I had felt it when I saw my maid hurrying back home because she knew she was late for the day, few mouths to be fed and the whole evening would be stack of work for her. May be I had taken out my Tiffin  box full of the mixed curry (kept for the night so that I did not have to cook) but somehow my mind shook me I could order something or make, I have all the time but she could get away with a lot of toil for that evening, may be  an early sleep which she had longed for or may be playing with her little boy who so desired to be with her every evening.

My husband has always been very passionate about life, full of compassion not only for the human souls but for the other living world too. My compassion is all in my bag but the sluggish effort to work on  it vehemently is still lacking.

 There are a few dozens of those little shrubs who looks up to its master for their sustenance. My husband was right in not relying on me when he had asked me while going to office “Should I water them or Are you sure?” And my answer was, I too have feelings but again somewhere  the compassion streak going subdued or erased amidst the mundane affairs of life.

It’s not that we all would have to head down towards that old orphanage after reading stories of compassion but   being a little observant, a little more active, precisely more aware of our inner feelings would surely kindle the spirit right there. There must be a craving to act kind, to go an extra mile, to stretch out a helping hand not just sitting right there at the realms of your comfort zone. Compassion for our fellow beings, compassion for the little bird that knocks every day at your door expecting bitsy morsel from you, a bowl full of water for that thirsty soul flying high, a packed lunch box for that maid who has her daughter on bed since four days, putting hands on that pair of slippers which hung high in  that stall but the effort to bring it down and remember the size which would fit into “ Nandu Bhaiya’s feet” he is old and his slippers were struggling with the straps, a little bit of seeing life, holding life and reacting to these intricate things in life is compassion.

May be “Banto" could have a pair of socks this winter with a warmer, she has been sneezing and coughing every morning while she cleaned our yard.She wore the same old sweater every day. That’s compassion, relying on your feeling, your observation, your instincts and acting on it immediately just with the whims and with the passion. “Come oh passion”.

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