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Tuesday 5 November 2013

Platinum Day of love-The platinum sprinkle rekindled the hidden flame.

This post is  written for the Platinum Day of love contest.

Platinum Day of love-The platinum sprinkle rekindled the hidden flame.


The ever so plodding email had the same old story everyday of junk mails and bulk emails which did not need an eye to hurl them off to the delete basket.

I had almost touched that little mouse to click the ever so undesirable mails when my eyes stuck into a name, my heart had expected it in an impetuous way, my mind had closed the doors of any startling event in my life but my hope bubbles had again started to explode, that gluttony mind had expected a mail from that special name.

The fresh blue outline and the name had hundred tales of hope, of a promised land in an utopian island where my loneliness would be embraced eternally by some ears, some hands and a few words.

I held my hands tight; my heart’s accelerated beat was asked to keep a slow pace because it had started pumping in an unusual way and that irritated me, coloured my cheeks red and left me a little clumsy.

I ultimately opened my email- boldly written were some words... “My train would arrive at the station, would you be there to greet me?"

Suddenly my happiness had eloped from that ever known  boundary  which I had always delineated for her, my conventional and ever so outward austere behaviour gave me a charlatan push, giggling like a bluff and rejoicing “hey I am so bugged with your grave looking face, let me get off from your mask.”


Hands were shivering but had forced to reply back.

The day had arrived, we were just friends but why did he have to come down to meet his virtual friend and why was my heart pounding so fast to meet him, just a friend, just a soul mate with whom I had shared my heart’s inner stories, some dark secrets, some funny tales, some unknown fears, some weird idealism, some relished events, some cherished longings and infinite bubbles of faith and umpteen boxes of a weird feelings which had no name.

The feeling was unique and he came all the way to feel that idiosyncratic and vague reflex.

He was there at the station waiting for me; I was there to meet my best friend who was virtual till that day. We spent some of the best moments....two coffee mugs, one smile, one pizza with lots of extra cheese topped with unending giggly stories of mine, the bumpy boat ride where he rowed and I sniffed the air relaxing, building air castles in the lake, walking down the roads unknowingly holding hands to cross the junction, chatting long hours near the river without the slightest meaning of words. Life had suddenly become so meaningless yet so meaningful in every way but so wonderfully juxtaposed with tones and over tones that screamed everywhere, that echoed every time I met him “Yes, I am in love, yes I am in love, I cannot deny.

And then the basket of goodies were all eaten, the day had come when he would leave me and I had nothing to say as we promised to be best of pals but do best pals marry?

He went back; I resumed my old mask, back into my own den, the dark, deep and the hopeless couch.

 The next day, my phone bell rang and I knew it was my best pal but best pals don’t make husbands. Dreams are to be fantasized not lived. I heard that voice again....pleading him silently in my mind “Did you not fall in love with me?

His words which came from that non living phone case had enlivened me, my whole body shivered, my ears had the sweetest symphony playing and those platinum wrapped words blessed me with a new birth... “Will you be my wife,we shall make the best of pals forever.”

The platinum day of love had embraced me and the rest is history, the love which came to me in that platinum wrapped spirit had proved its worth. It’ s 10 years of togetherness, the same old coffee evening, that crusty pizza pack and that sweet boat ride is still being lived after so many years and I feel the same vibrations for I whisper softly in his ears “Best friends do make great partners.”
P.C. Google.



  1. Wow... so lovely to read through and know the people making the journey that started off on such a beautiful note...
    I am familiar with little bit of the story (Sir has told me )... he he..

  2. Hi, I am from PGI (Platinum Guild India). Congratulations, You have got a beautiful story and we loved it. We would like to know more about your story. So Kindly send me your contact details through email. Write your and your partners full Name, Contact Number.
    Send it to me on


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