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Monday 4 March 2013


The innate speaks to me

The innate speaks to me

There is God in me,

In thee

In we

The innate speaks to me

Life wrapped in sublimity

Life wrapped in minutest

Life wrapped in grandeur

Life budding

Life growing

Life gushing

Like the sea

Infinite, boundless, seamless entity

Life embodying thee


Still seeking for you

You are here

You are there

The innate speaks to me

You are in me

You are in thee


No temples

No bouquets

No incense sticks


Just a heart soaked in faith

Those eyes gleaming with troth

The infinite, bondless treasure chested in me

In you

In thee

The innate speaks to me

Wandering in the boundless, seamless no where

To seek thee, oh foolish me,

You were within me

The innate speaks to me

God is me


Carrying our world in our little pockets

As humans do we all think alike? Or as humans, we have some basic traits of behaving in a similar way because we are of the clone ...