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Friday 23 March 2012

Love does not need words

Sometimes in life we come across people who don't matter to you but in their own way leave an indelible mark on next door couple who I had always regarded as a sweet lovey dove couple made me contemplate on a few things in life...I used to regard them as any young couple and used to imagine what would they whisper to each other when I used to see them holding their hands in complete harmony....their eyes were full of those untold expressions which  I knew they would have shared on those "romantic"evenings....their everyday stroll and their eternal smile made me wonder sometimes that being young and in love really keeps life moving.....but one fine day I just met them and said "hi"... to my utter dismay I did not get a reply  for some time but just that smile which made me think about a hundred romantic tales, suddenly those delicate fingers came up to make some signs and both reciprocated to me with their sign language....leaving me wonder....sometimes silence can also bind two people if not words!!!

Carrying our world in our little pockets

As humans do we all think alike? Or as humans, we have some basic traits of behaving in a similar way because we are of the clone ...